
BGF link to the European MSP platform

The Blue Growth Farm contribution to the European Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) platform MSP has been issued and delivered to become part of the platform database. The EU MSP platform manages an integrative process to address the increasing demand for maritime space from traditional and emerging sectors while preserving the proper functioning of marine ecosystems...

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BGF publication on Applied Ocean Research Journal

Exploitable results following the field experiment on the scaled (1:15) prototype of our BGF floating multi-purpose offshore platform are now on Applied Ocean Research, Vol 129 (2022) 103402 ( Author and co-authors of the publication are: Carlo Ruzzo, Giovanni Malara, Maurizio Collu, Anita Santoro, Vincenzo Fiamma, Andrea Scialo', Fabrizio Lagasco, Felice Arena, from NOEL, Strathclyde University, Wavenergy and RINA Consulting…

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First-ever annual forum of the EU Mission “Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030″ – 17 February 2023

The Blue Growth Farm project successfully applied for poster presentation at the first edition of the EU Mission “Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030”, that has taken place on 17 February 2023 at the Royal Museum of Fine Arts of Belgium in Brussels. The Forum provided organisations endorsing the Mission Charter with the chance to exhibit their actions and initiatives to a large audience. In particular, the Mission Charter ( called for joining efforts to achieve the three objectives…

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Photography Competition

Another success for the Blue Growth Farm project, which receives the prize for best photography competition at the ICOE-OEE 2022 event on 20th October 2022 (, The Aurora prototype, that underwent the experimental campaign at NOEL site during the period March 2021 and January 2022, is the subject of the winning photograph, presented at the event by Vincenzo Nava, researcher at Tecnalia (BCAM), member of the Blue Growth Farm Consortium.  Congratulations again to Vincenzo for attending the event and getting…

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The Blue Growth Farm project video ( was run at the first edition of the “BIENNALE dello STRETTO”, inaugurated on 30th September 2022 and expected to deploy its programme till 15th December 2022  The first edition of the BIENNALE dello STRETTO aims to develop innovative projects between the Strait and the international surroundings of the Mediterranean through an exhibition resulting from a Call to Action involving architects and artists and moments of debate.  The Action, deployed from 30 September…

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XXXVIII National Conference of Hydraulics and Hydraulic Constructions (IDRA 2022)

The Blue Growth Farm attended the XXXVIII National Conference of Hydraulics and Hydraulic Constructions (IDRA 2022), held at the former Faculty of Engineering of the Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria on 4 to 7 September 2022 (   BGF was excited to present a couple of papers related to the outdoor prototype (Aurora) test campaign activity carried out at NOEL site in Reggio Calabria during March 2021 and January 2022:  Anita Santoro, Carlo Ruzzo, Vincenzo Fiamma, Andrea Scialò, Paolo Corvaglia, Fabrizio…

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aurora dismission infrastructure prototype

“Aurora” prototype: a successfull experiment

The Blue Growth Farm project: our “Aurora” prototype has now successfully completed its service time In the first week of February 2022, the Blue Growth Farm project reached another key milestone towards its completion. The AURORA scaled outdoor prototype, deployed at the NOEL (Mediterranea University) offshore site (Reggio Calabria, Italy) in March 2021, served a number of measurement trials in a real environment, under representative ocean wave conditions, up to late September 2021, before being decommissioned in these days. Built…

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the blue growth farm poliradio bluehorizon muggiasca

BlueHorizon PoliRadio

21.12.2021 | 20:00 CET The Blue Growth Farm project is glad to announce that our research partner, Prof. Sara Muggiasca, from Politecnico di Milano, will participate to a radio-interview tormorrow! The BlueHorizon channel from PoliRadio will give us the chance to promote the innovation and the impact of The Blue Growth Farm project and its infrastructure. The project will be presented in the “Science & Research” column, and it will reach passionate listeners of this frontier channel dedicated to ocean…

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Webinar “Multifunctional Offshore Installations and sustainable use of the sea”

What is the opinion of the key stakeholders involved in the fish supply chain? Would you like to learn more about Multipurpose Offshore Installations (MOI) to support of the growing global demand for seafood? What is your opinion about offshore aquaculture? Do you know that the H2020 project “The Blue Growth Farm” has concluded its deployment phase of the outdoor prototype for experimental campaign at sea in Reggio Calabria? We are glad to invite you to attend the second stakeholders’…

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ocean opportunity european aquaculture congress

Aquaculture Europe

The Blue Growth Farm at the “Aquaculture Europe” Congress in Madeira – October 2021 We are glad to announce that The Blue Growth Farm is going to attend the European Aquaculture workshop (AE2021), organized by the European Aquaculture Society, to be held in Funchal, Madeira, October 4th-7th, 2021. The workshop will involve the scientific community, together with researchers in the field and the aquaculture industrial protagonists from all over Europe. In particular, the Blue Growth Farm team will be present…

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sustainable revolution bgf

Sustainable Revolution-Tropicalia Exhibition

The Blue Growth Farm at Tropicalia Exhibition in Venice 11.09.2021 – 21.11.2021 The Blue Growth Farm project will have the occasion to show its technological and strategical innovation within engineered offshore aquaculture platform during the developmental steps of the projects. The exhibition will last for two consecutive months, from September up to November 2021, at the “Biennale di Venezia” exhibition site in the “Sustainable Revolution” framework.

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Capraia Smart Island 2020

Our Project Coordinator will present BGF on 17 September: follow the live event on Facebook! We are glad to announce that our Project Coordinator Fabrizio Lagasco will join the virtual event “Capraia Smart Island 2020” on 17 September 2020. The initiative is promoted by the “Chimica Verde Bionet” Association, in collaboration with Legacoop Agroalimentare – Fishery Department and is carried out with the contribution of Coopfond, a mutual fund of Legacoop. Innovation is fundamental to boost environmental, economic and social…

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Webinar “The Blue Growth Farm and sea use”

What is the opinion of the key stakeholders involved in the fish supply chain? Would you like to learn more about Multipurpose Offshore Installations (MOI) to support of the growing global demand for seafood? What is your opinion about offshore aquaculture? Do you know that the H2020 project “The Blue Growth Farm” is preparing the deployment phase of an outdoor prototype for experimental campaign at sea in Reggio Calabria? We are glad to invite you to attend the second stakeholders’…

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement number 774426