
The Mediterranean Sea We Need for the Future We Want

Join The Blue Growth Farm team in Venice (Italy) on 22 January! We are glad to announce that the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021-2030 offers the ocean community a once-in-a-life-time opportunity to join efforts, mobilize resources, create partnerships and engage governments and other stakeholders in moving towards the Ocean We Need for the Future We Want . In fact, during the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (which, as established by the United Nations, will be…

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IOWTC 2019

BGF Project Partner Politecnico di Milano will attend IOWTC 2019 We are glad to announce that project partner “Politecnico di Milano” is going to attend the 2nd International Offshore Wind Technical Conference (IOWTC2019) organised by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), to be held in St Julian’s, Malta November 3 – 6, 2019. The conference will draw together members of the scientific community, researchers, academia and the offshore wind engineering industry from around the world. In particular, the Blue Growth Farm…

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EWTEC 2019

The Blue Growth Farm team is glad to announce that project partner NOEL has a booth in the exibition area at the European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC),  which will be held in Naples from the 1th to the 6th of September 2019. The conference, which is at the 13th edition, is focused on ocean renewable energy and it’s expected to be partecipated by almost 600 people from industry and academia. NOEL will take the opportunity to present the…

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The Blue Growth Farm (BGF)Project Stakeholder Workshop

Join The Blue Growth Farm team in Reggio Calabria (Italy) on 11 September! The purpose of the Blue Growth Farm (BGF) project is to design large floating offshore structures that are multi-purpose: they will host a smart fish farm and systems to produce energy from renewable sources (wind and wave). The project will deploy a small-scale prototype at the Natural Ocean Engineering Laboratory in 2020. In advance of this deployment we would like to explore opinions about the public benefits…

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Floating Offshore Wind Turbines 2019

Project partner SAFIER INGENIERIE SAS took part in FOWT 2019 We are glad to announce that Project Partner SAFIER INGENIERIE SAS took part in Floating Offshore Wind Turbines 2019, one of the world’s largest event dedicated to floating offshore wind turbines. This year edition took place on 24th, 25th and 26th April 2019 in Montpellier (France). Lots of people showed interested in The Blue Growth Farm project and the event constituted a good dissemination opportunity.

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Blue Italian Growth Technology Cluster

Our Project Coordinator Fabrizio Lagasco took part in the workshop organised by CNR, BIG and APRE We are glad to announce that our Project Coordinator Fabrizio Lagasco took part in the workshop dedicated to H2020 opportunities in the field of Blue Growth that took part in Rome (Italy) on 2 April 2019. The event was organised by CNR, BIG (The Blue Italian Growth Technology Cluster) and APRE. The main topics discussed during the workshop were: technologies for observations, fishery, black sea, plastic…

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WESC 2019

Save the date and join us in Cork! We are glad to announce that Project Partner “Politecnico di Milano” will present The Blue Growth Farm at the “Wind Energy Science Conference 2019” that will take place in Cork (Ireland) from 17 to 20 June. The conference aims at providing a multi-disciplinary open forum for discussion where delegates can explore the latest developments in wind energy science, spot emerging trends and identify future collaborators. Register now and meet us in Cork!…

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OMAE Conference

Join us at the 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering The project team is glad to announce that we will be present at the OMAE, 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering that will take place in Glasgow, Scotland on June 9 – 14, 2019. The OMAE 2019 will be hosted by one of the Blue Growth Farm partners: the Department of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Marine Engineering at the University of Strathclyde. The Department…

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Muses Final Conference

The Blue Growth Farm team invites you to join Muses Final Conference! The Multi-Use in European Seas (MUSES) project is a two year Horizon 2020 funded project exploring the opportunities for Multi Use in European Seas across five sea basins.  On 10th October the final conference of the project will take place in Brussels, engaging a wide range of interested stakeholders from the business community, public administrations, research and academia. The aim is to present the EU-wide Multi-Use Action Plan…

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Coordinators’ Day

The opportunity took place on 15th June 2018 and it has been addressed to the coordinators of H2020 Societal Challenge 2 projects of 2017 calls. It has been an excellent way to learn on how to best implement R&D efforts with a tailor made view for SC2 related projects, to pose questions to EC speakers and project officers. In the afternoon, during the clustering session per topic/area, the Blue Growth Farm Project Coordinator had the chance to present the main…

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement number 774426