What is the opinion of the key stakeholders involved in the fish supply chain?
Would you like to learn more about Multipurpose Offshore Installations (MOI) to support of the growing global demand for seafood? What is your opinion about offshore aquaculture?
Do you know that the H2020 project “The Blue Growth Farm” is preparing the deployment phase of an outdoor prototype for experimental campaign at sea in Reggio Calabria?
We are glad to invite you to attend the second stakeholders’ webinar “The Blue Growth Farm and sea use”, taking place on 11 September from 10.00 to 12.00 CEST.
The main objective of the event is to collect useful data, opinions and feedbacks from key-stakeholders involved in the fish supply chain in order to encourage the installation of offshore multipurpose floating platforms for aquaculture combined to energy production in the near future.
In particular, during the event the Project Consortium will discuss about the following topics:
- 10:00 Scope and contents of the webinar
- 10:05 BGF video presentation
- 10:10 Presentation of 1st BGF Stakeholders’ Reference Group pools result (full document downloadable at the following link: ../results-and-public-reports/)
- 10:20 The opinion of fish farmers – Recorded interview to Andrea Fabris, Technical Director of API (Associazione Italiana Piscicoltori) – http://www.api-online.it/index.cfm/it/
- 10:35 The Blue Growth Farm experimental outdoor prototype – Presentation to stakeholders of the BGF outdoor prototype to be used for the experimental campaign at Reggio Calabria (starting on next December 2020)
- 10:50 The opinion of fisheries – Recorded interview to Stefania Valentini, Responsible of FEDERPESCA office in Brussels- http://www.federpesca.it/
- 11:05 The opinion of environment protectors – Recorded interview to Federica Barbera, Protected Areas and Biodiversity Office at LEGAMBIENTE – https://www.legambiente.it/
- 11:20 Q&A session
- 11:45 Attendees will receive information about follow-up project survey
- 11:55 Presentation of incentives for participation in the webinar and compilation of the project survey
- 12:00 Introduction to the third and final stakeholders meeting (July 2021) and webinar closure
The webinar will be organised in Italian and a final Q&A session will take place to allow attendees to ask questions about the project.