The project consortium is made up of 13 partners from 5 EU countries:
RINA provides a wide range of services across the Energy, Marine, Certification, Transport & Infrastructure and Industry sectors through a global network of 170 offices in 65 countries. RINA is a member of key international organisations and an important contributor to the development of new legislative standards. In the framework of The Blue Growth Farm, RINA will be the project coordinator and will develop specific design tasks concerning system technologies integration and multipurpose platform monitoring services.
Fincosit is the marine works construction leader in Italy. With the achievement of remarkable works in Europe (Montecarlo, Spain, Greece, Croatia) and overseas (Qatar, Algeria, Nigeria, Libya) Fincosit has designed and built till now 2700 reinforced concrete caissons based structures. More generally, Fincosit is specialized in the construction of all types of marine works, such as breakwater and quay walls, dry docks, bulk and container terminals, etc. Within the Blue Growth Farm project, Fincosit is responsible for the manufacturing of the outdoor scaled prototype and functional model for the Blue Growth Farm experimental campaign.
SAFIER is an independent international structural engineering consultancy engaging in concept, design, analysis, expertise, checking, R&D, innovations… for all phases of a project , mostly in the offshore, petrochemical, renewables, nuclear and other industrial sectors. SAFIER is responsible for the structural and naval design of the Blue Growth Farm prototype as well as the full scale configuration. SAFIER is also in charge of one of the most critical R&D challenges of the project, represented by modular caisson connections for the full scale and prototype.
The University of Strathclyde is a leading international technological University and it leads WP3, in charge of the modelling and evaluation of the dynamics interactions of the sub-systems of this multi-purpose platform, that includes the developments and experimental validation of an ad-hoc coupled model of dynamics, as well as a model to evaluate the interactions between the renewable energy systems and the aquaculture facilities.
The Natural Ocean Engineering Laboratory was founded in 1989 by Prof. Paolo Boccotti. The activity includes and integra-tes numerical model implementation and field experiments at sea and the laboratory is a unique environment, where experimentalists can perform tests with the support of sensors, acquisition data centre and specialised personnel established permanently in the laboratory. Specifically, the main activity of the NOEL group for The Blue Growth Farm project is related to leading the WP6 with the activities related to the implementation at the NOEL lab of the prototype.
SAGRO AQUACULTURE: Established in Cyprus 1983 Sagro was one of the first commercial marine fish hatcheries to operate in the Mediteranean region. The company currently produces around 16 million juvenile sea bream, sea bass and meagre juveniles per annum reared from eggs produced throughout the year by our own breeding stocks. In the framework of The Blue Growth Farm project, SAGRO’s key role in the project will be to develop an optimal production programme for the aquaculture unit, which it will use as the basis for a full economic appraisal of the aquaculture activity.
Chlamys srl is a SME working since 2000 in the field of R&D and services related to offshore aquaculture. Its main fields of activities are design and installation of offshore farms, impact assessment of marine farms, applied research to aquaculture. During its activities has designed, installed and managed several offshore marine farms around Mediterranean Sea. Chlamys will take care of the Environmental Impact assessment of The Blue Growth Farm project.
SAMS is an independent multidisciplinary marine research institute based at Oban on the West Coast of Scotland and it is an academic partner of the University of the Highlands and Islands. SAMS will lead WP8, dealing with the assessment of societal views on integrated offshore developments and with the application of the Marine Strategy, and Marine Spatial Planning, Framework Directives. LTD is a limited company established in September 2005 to develop devices for the production of electrical power from ocean sea waves. In 2010 the company was recognized a Spin Off of the Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria (Italy). Within the BlueFarm project, the activity of WAVEIT involves the design and optimization of the REWEC3 wave energy converter WEC integrated into the floating structure.
Ecole Centrale de Nantes (ECN) is an engineering school founded in 1919. With the support of numerous strong institutional and industrial partnerships, Centrale Nantes produces world-class academic and applied research. Within The Blue Growth Farm, ECN will test the hybrid wind-wave-aquaculture concept, from the design of the model and its instrumentation to its deployment in the HOET tank.
TECNALIA is the first privately funded applied research and technology development centre in Spain and one of the leading such centres in Europe. It is organised in seven interconnected business divisions: Sustainable construction, Energy and Environment, Innovation Strategies, Information and Communication Technologies, Industry and Transport, Health and Technological Services. For the Blue Growth Farm, TECNALIA will develop electrical solutions for both the full scale design and the small scale prototype, including the design of an umbilical cable taking into account the interaction with the mooring system.
Politecnico di Milano is a scientific-technological university which trains engineers, architects and industrial designers. The University has always focused on the quality and innovation of its teaching and research, developing a fruitful relationship with business and productive world by means of experimental research and technological transfer. Polimi research unit is devoted to design and follow the realization of the DTU10 MW reference wind turbine scaled model to be installed on the Blue Farm scaled model.
Ditrel Industrial S.L. is a SME company based in Vitoria, Spain. DITREL main activity is the fabrication of special bolts with two heads, mainly applied to electrical power lines, serving both domestic and international markets. Since 2007 DITREL diversified the range of products introducing means for metal construction. DITREL will provide with a prototype of an electrical connection to be tested in the small scale platform and will collaborate with TECNALIA in the definition and design of the electrical connection system for the full scale platform.